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Welcome to Meyvn!

Meyvn on Main is a socially conscious, contemporary boutique focused on serving local and global communities. Each of our carefully curated lines support non-profit organizations around the world through ethical, fair-trade and cause-centered products. 


The word Meyvn comes from the Yiddish meaning, "one who understands." Our store is more than a location, it is a platform for those who desire to be heard and understood. Through the Meyvn Movement, we go beyond fashion and trends to connect with our community through sharing the stories and experiences of the women who make our products. With the help of our local and international partnerships, our team strives to impact, empower and educate community members on social justice issues and how the fashion industry can improve lives. 

Fashion has the power to be more than an outfit; it has the ability to provide opportunity for people across the globe. At Meyvn, we choose to partner with brands that make a difference. We're constantly in search of visionaries that represent the same ethics and values that Meyvn upholds. Take a look at the brands that inspire us to do and be better here.

We hope that through the Meyvn Movement, we can inspire individuals to take action in their own community through personal and purposeful style, ethically sourced fashion and conscious choices. 

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